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100% Online Program and Approved by KHDA "Government of Dubai"

Training Diploma in Financial Services and Insurance Management Strategies - S1

  • 14 Days
  • 16 Steps

KHDA Approved Institute

Training Diploma in Financial Services and Insurance Management Strategies This program is permitted by KHDA, the regulatory authority of the Government of Dubai for a total of 19 hours. Gain expertise in financial management with this comprehensive course. Discover how to analyze financial statements, develop budgets, manage cash flow, and make informed investment decisions. Suitable for both beginners and professionals, this course provides practical skills and knowledge for effective financial management in personal and business settings. Enroll now to secure your financial future


Study Method

Our online learning program offers the flexibility to study at your own pace from anywhere in the world, with the option to be up to 100% online. As an enrolled student, once you pay the fee, you will gain access to our asynchronous lectures. All lectures are pre-recorded, allowing you to watch them at a time that suits you best. In addition to video lectures, we usually provide downloadable PDF files to study offline. This means you can balance your studies with other commitments, whether they be work, family, or personal pursuits. We believe that our program offers a convenient and effective way to learn without compromising on the quality of education. Additionally, we provide live virtual 1-to-1 lectures by request and availability, ensuring you receive personalized support when needed.

Study Duration: this program can be done in 2 weeks

The program consists of 9 parts. In each part, you will watch a recorded training video session and spend time reading and studying PDF documents. The program is designed to be completed in 2 weeks, with each week comprising 5 days. On the 10th day, you can apply for the exam. Upon successfully passing the exam, you will receive a KHDA Authority certificate. You may request a 1-on-1 live session for an additional fee.

Quality Assurance

  • This program is approved by the KHDA Authority (Government of Dubai)

  • This program is accredited by ECLBS (European Council of Leading Business Schools and Institutes)

  • Accredited by EDU Intergovernmental organization (founded by the Palau Ministry of Education)

for more details please check our quality page​

Waterfall with town

Dual Training Diploma from Switzerland/Dubai

In addition to the KHDA Certificate, students are also eligible to receive a second award from ISBM Switzerland (for an additional fee between 299-999 CHF)

©I S B Management Training Institute (Br of ISBM AG )(Dubai Branch), ISB Dubai holds approval to provide vocational and training diplomas across a diverse spectrum of nearly 500 fields.

Affiliated as an Educational Member with the GQA Independent Global Quality Assurance Label in Switzerland.

This website primarily employs English, with translations offered for your convenience. However, in cases of discrepancy, the English text takes precedence. Our educational system, accredited by the European Council for Distance Learning Accreditation (EUCDL), is also a part of the European Council of Leading Business Schools & Institutes (ECLBS) and an approved member of USA CHEA IQG / INQAAHE EUROPE.

An Education Member of the EACC Euro-Arab Chamber of Commerce

The Academy is proud to be ranked among the leading vocational institutes globally by QRNW  which is a leading not-for-profit European association dedicated to fostering excellence in education.

in partnership with ISBM International School of Business Management in Luzern/Lucerne Switzerland

Submit Your Scholarly Papers for Peer-Reviewed Publication: Unveiling Seven Continents Yearbook Journal "U7Y Journal" ( ISSN: 3042-4399 (registered by the Swiss National Library)

Get in touch

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الاكاديمية السويسرية الدولية في دبي

Admission Location: Office 213, CEO Building DIP, Dubai, UAE

Please note: The study fee does not include the graduation fee.

ISI International Swiss Institute in Dubai, UAE is proudly approved and permitted by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) of the Government of Dubai.

ISI International Swiss Institute in Dubai, UAE

Contact us:

Office 213 CEO Building in Dubai Investment Park (DIP), Dubai, UAE

All organisation services shall be governed by its General Terms and Conditions of Service, including, inter alia, a limitation of liability and a nomination of competent jurisdiction. These General Terms and Conditions may be consulted via our Website.

ECLBS Accredited.png

Part of the Swiss International University SIU which is Licensed and accredited by the KG Ministry of Education and Science and allowed by the Board of Education and Culture in Switzerland
جزء من الجامعة السويسرية الدولية، المرخصة والمعتمدة من قبل وزارة التعليم والعلوم في قرغيزستان، والمسموح لها بالعمل من قبل مجلس التعليم والثقافة في سويسرا
Teil der Swiss International University, die von dem Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsministerium der Kirgisischen Republik lizenziert und akkreditiert ist, vom Bildungs- und Kulturrat der Schweiz zugelassen
Часть Швейцарского Международного Университета, который лицензирован и аккредитован Министерством образования и науки Кыргызской Республики, разрешен Советом по образованию и культуре Швейцарии

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